
Project maintained by KShah707 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Personal Projects

An Intuitive Peek into GPT, for Non-Technical Nerds (March 2023)

I gave a lecture to the UConn Consulting Group, describing some of the big ideas behind language models like GPT-4 in a visual and intuitive way. It was highly reviewed (“one of the most impressive displays of synthesizing complex information I’ve ever seen”) by students and alumni.

You can access it on YouTube!

Keyur’s Creative Projects Blog (Early 2022)

I spent ~four months working on one creative/entrepreneurial coding project each week and blogging about it at keyurscreativeprojects.substack.com. The posts are still archived for future readers.

Summary of Work Projects

Software Engineer @ Amazon Alexa AI (2020-Present):
Research Engineer Intern @ AQR Capital Mgmt (2019):
Embedded Software Intern @ Honeywell (2018):
Software Engineer Intern @ Great Lakes Corp (2017):

My Other Interests

We’ll get along if you love to talk about:

If you’re the same kind of weird as me – would love to meet you at [my GitHub username]@gmail.com!